The Truth About DWI Bail Bonds
If you're facing DWI charges in Minnesota, understanding the bail bond process is crucial. Drunk driving offenses are taken seriously, and securing a bail bond can help you navigate the legal system more smoothly. Common questions include how bail amounts are determined, the role of bail bondsmen, and what happens if you miss a court date. It's essential to be informed and prepared ensure the best possible outcome for your case.
Can I Post Bail Bond for a DWI Charge in Minnesota?
Depending on the conditions of your bail, it is possible to post a Unconditional bail bond for a DWI charge in Minnesota. Bail bonds are 10% of the principal Bail amount set by the judge and must be paid to the bail bondsman. This amount can be paid by cash, check or credit card, collateral may be required additionally to the bail bond premium if required by the bail bond company. Bail bonds are the best option for those who can’t afford to pay the total bail amount to the courts as a result other financial obligation. We offer the lowest money down allowed by law, payment plans and no credit checks! Call Bobby at A-Affordable bail bonds today, all calls are confidential.
Stay off the monitor in Minnesota
DO NOT PAY FOR LESS FREEDOM: Stay off the expensive alcohol monitor and post a Unconditional DWI Bail Bond, Do not be fooled by the hidden costs of the SCRAM monitor. There is an expensive set up fee, including a daily usage fee (Between 10.00-18.00), Additionally, when you are on conditional release you are required to take drug tests and check in with probation offices, including limitations of leaving the state of Minnesota. An Unconditional DWI Bail Bond/Bail Bond removes the requirement of an alcohol monitor, probation check ins, drug testing & out of state travel restrictions. Unconditional bail bonds are also beneficial for most drug offense bail bonds and other applicable bonds.
Do not let the jails make you believe that the only choice is a conditional release requiring testing, or a alcohol monitor as DWI offenses typically always carry a option of a Unconditional Bail Bond. Do not pay for less freedom that is just silly and doesn’t make sense, post an unconditional bail bond today! We offer the lowest money down allowed by law, payment plans & no credit checks. We offer service for all types of criminal bail bonds & specialize in bail bonds as large as 1 million dollars. When your family or friend’s freedom matters most, we are always here for you and your loved ones. Let us help you navigate the bail bond process so you can make an informed decision.