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  • Why Your Bail Bondsman Should be Available 24 Hours a Day

    Bail Bondsman Locally Placed
    Imagine you are pulled over and arrested on a DWI charge in Minneapolis, Minnesota. You’re being read your Miranda rights. You’re being ushered into a police car. You’re panicking. When you get some respite, you search out a number for a bail bondsman.

    You call him—and your call isn’t picked up. Or you’re told that they’ll get back to you after they’ve had their dinner or lunch. During this time, you’re increasingly forced to say something—which, by the way, you absolutely shouldn’t in the event of an arrest, no matter the charge.

    Only last year in 2018, Minnesota crossed 13,000 DWI arrests. A bail bondsman who isn’t available 24 hours to help these people is about as good as a policeman who can’t respond to a crime as soon as it happens.

    Why All-Day Availability is a Must

    You never know when you’re going to end up in front of a siren-blaring police car. Minnesota is a sprawling state, where people are out and about all day, all night. For DWI charges, specifically, there’s no telling the time or place where you might be apprehended.

    In such an event, you need a bail bondsman or a bail bonds agency that’s available 24 hours and does not delay responding. In such situations, especially in DWI, responding as soon as possible, is vital.

    Why You Need a Bail Bondsman Who is Locally Placed

    Let’s say, you’re in a fix and you know someone who is a bail bondsman somewhere in Illinois. They might be great at what they do, but they exist and operate in a different state.

    Even if they were somehow to help you, they’d take a long time in responding. Additionally, a bail bondsman placed locally will know the state laws, previous convictions, loopholes in the laws, issues in law enforcement, so on and so forth.

    Why A-Affordable Local Bail Bonds?

    A-Affordable Bonds, Local Bail Bonds will answer your phone no matter what time of the day it is. We also offer the lowest money down that’s allowed by insurance laws in Minnesota. There are no interest payment plans and no credit checks. We’re an honest, reliable, transparent, and locally placed bail bonds agency. You can call us at 763-200-5744.

    A-Affordable Bonds, Local Bail Bonds is a local bail bonds agency in Minnesota with operations in Anoka, Buffalo, Faribault, Owatonna and beyond. Our state-wide bail bonds service is operative 24 hours a day and our bail bondsmen are ready to help you, no matter the time of day.
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