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  • DWI Conditional Bail Bond (or) No Bond Required Release

    DWI Conditional Bail Bond
    In my personal opinion, as a bondsman. I feel many counties in the state of Minnesota do not explain to inmates about their options of posting unconditional DWI bail bonds, while in custody. Most of the time the inmate is so excited they are being released they do not look at the big picture of what a non bond conditional release includes. The excitement ends pretty quickly once you have a few rounds with expensive alcohol monitors, which may include interlock as well as color wheels with random UA's. When you make it through the first headache and expensive process of getting your required court ordered equipment there will remain a long road ahead of court conditions.

    You typically will have additional conditions that at times even restricts you from being around or in a liquor store. These are expensive ridiculous conditions, what is there to be excited about? Truly, it really isn't a time to celebrate if you didn't utilize a unconditional bond prior to your release. After time, the calibration of alcohol sensors or interlock adds up to be the same cost or more for a "Unconditional" bail bond. What this means folks, is you would in most cases may not be on a color wheel or have court ordered equipment that does nothing but disrupts your everyday life.

    The good news is I can still help you. In almost all instances if your were offered the unconditional bond at time of release, we can most likely still post that bond for you to help you out getting back to everyday life. Get a DWI Bail Bond now!

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