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  • DWI Bail Bonds Service in Minnesota -763-200-5744 - www.stayoffthemonitor.com

    DWI BAIL BONDS SERVICE - 763-200-5744
    Stay off the monitor & post a unconditional bail bond today! Don't be a sucker, posting a unconditional bail bond is more cost effective and less invasive. The alternative of an alcohol monitor shouldn't be presented by a jail or 3rd party monitoring company as a better or the only option. This is unfair, especially if you weren't given a chance to call a bail bonds company. Many fast talking jails or monitoring companies like to present appealing comments about the monitor. This has included things such as the monitor costs less then a bail bond or you can be released quicker. This is simply untrue, infact utilizing a bail bondsman to post a Unconditional DWI Bail Bond results in a much quicker release, less invasive and more cost effective with less conditions.

    We offer the lowest money down allowed by law & payment plans!
    Call us @ 763-200-5744 - www.stayoffthemonitor.com

    Minnesota Bail Bondsman
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